Resultados: 3

Efetividade das intervenções contra violência no trabalho sofrida por profissionais de saúde e apoio: metanálise

Resumo Objetivo: avaliar a efetividade das intervenções direcionadas à prevenção e redução da violência no trabalho sofrida por profissionais de saúde e apoio. Método: revisão sistemática com metanálise realizada em oito bases de dados e na literatura cinzenta. O risco de viés foi reali...

Risks of occupational illnesses among health workers providing care to patients with COVID-19: an integrative review

Objective: to analyze evidence concerning the risks of occupational illnesses to which health workers providing care to patients infected with COVID-19 are exposed. Method: integrative literature review conducted in the following online databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online ...

Post-vaccination anti-HBs testing among healthcare workers: More economical than post-exposure management for Hepatitis B

Objective: to compare the direct cost, from the perspective of the Unified Health System, of assessing the post-vaccination serological status with post-exposure management for hepatitis B among health care workers exposed to biological material. Method: cross-sectional study and cost-related, based on ...